React plugin displays informative text about specific player buttons when hovering over them. This feature can be toggle enabled or disabled through player configuration if preferred.
var config = {
var config = {
plugins: {
react: {
resources: [
{src: "#{paths.plugins}amp-react/libs/amp-react.min.js", debug: "#{paths.plugins}amp-react/libs/amp-react.js", type: "text/javascript"},
{src: "#{paths.plugins}amp-react/React.min.css", debug: "#{paths.plugins}amp-react/React.css", type: "text/css"},
{src: "#{paths.plugins}amp-react/React.js", debug: "#{paths.plugins}amp-react/React.js", type: "text/javascript"}
hint: {
enabled: true,
mode: "fixed"
akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config);
if adding components to react UI i.e buttons, the property data-rh
can be used to indicate the tooltip message for the element to be shown.
akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config).then(function (player) {
var amp = player;
var component = React.createElement("button", {
className: "amp-icon amp-fullscreen",
id: "component",
key: "fs",
onClick: function () {
console.log("Custom Control");
// amp.react.controls.removeComponent(component);
var element = document.createElement("div");
// amp.react.container.removeChild(element);