Create player
var config = {
autoplay: "muted",
plugins: {
aframe: {
resources: [
{ src: "//", debug: "//", type: "text/javascript", async: true },
{ src: "${paths.plugins}aframe/Aframe.min.js", debug: "${paths.plugins}aframe/Aframe.js", type: "text/javascript", async: true },
{ src: "${paths.plugins}aframe/Aframe.min.css", debug: "${paths.plugins}aframe/Aframe.css", type: "text/css", async: true }
rotation: "0 270 0",
vrmode: true
akamai.amp.AMP.create("#akamai-media-player", config);
Create an aframe entity and its handle-events
var thebox = document.createElement('a-box');
thebox.innerHTML = `<a-box position='1.5 0.25 5.5' color='#00B5B5' width='2' height='2' depth='2' src = 'play.jpg' handle-events> <a-animation attribute='rotation' begin='click' repeat='0' to='0 360 0'></a-animation></a-box>`
Append it to aframe’s scene within the player
var scene = document.getElementsByTagName("a-scene");
Register handle-events
custom component
AFRAME.registerComponent('handle-events', {
init: function () {
var el = this.el; //
el.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () {
el.setAttribute("color", "#24CAFF");
el.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () {
el.setAttribute("color", "#EF2D5E");
el.addEventListener("click", function () {
if (!amp.getPaused()) { // amp is player instance
else {
Put everything in place.
Once the player is being created you can now create and register custom components. See the following full sample.
var config = {
plugins: {
aframe: {
resources: [
{src: "//",debug:"//", type: "text/javascript", async: true},
{src: "${paths.plugins}amp-aframe/Aframe.min.js", debug: "${paths.plugins}amp-aframe/Aframe.js", type: "text/javascript", async: true},
{src: "${paths.plugins}amp-aframe/Aframe.min.css", debug: "${paths.plugins}amp-aframe/Aframe.css", type: "text/css", async: true}
data: {
rotation: "0 270 0",
strict: true
mouse: {
speed: 2
var amp;
akamai.amp.AMP.create("#akamai-media-player", config).then(function (player) {
amp = player;
function addCustomElement(){
var scene = document.getElementsByTagName("a-scene");
AFRAME.registerComponent("handle-events", {
init: function () {
var el = this.el; // <a-box>
el.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () {
el.setAttribute("color", "#24CAFF");
el.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () {
el.setAttribute("color", "#EF2D5E");
el.addEventListener("click", function () {
if (!amp.getPaused()) { // amp is player instance
else {
var text = document.createElement("a-text");
text.setAttribute("value", "Move the camera sight at the figure to pause/play");
text.setAttribute("rotation", "0 15 0");
text.setAttribute("width", "8");
var camera = document.createElement("a-camera");
camera.innerHTML = "<a-cursor id='cursor' material='color: cyan; shader: flat' geometry='primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.09; radiusOuter: 0.11'> </a-cursor>;
var thebox = document.createElement("a-box");
thebox.innerHTML = `<a-box position='1.5 0.25 5.5' color='#00B5B5' width='2' height='2' depth='2' src = 'play.jpg' handle-events> <a-animation attribute='rotation' begin='click' repeat='0' to='0 360 0'></a-animation></a-box>`